CrossFit Games 2024: A Wrap!

CrossFit Games 2024: A Wrap!

And just like that, another CrossFit Games comes to a close...

There were many firsts at this year's CrossFit Games, though not all of them were good. The 2024 CrossFit Games marked the 18th edition of the event and took place from 8th -11th August in Fort Worth, Texas, for the first time. We saw a first-time winner in the Men’s Elite competition, while Tia-Clair Toomey became the first person to win seven Individual titles.

The competition was fierce, with never-before-seen events and an incredible finale in the Men’s competition, where James Sprague overcame an 80-point deficit to claim the title of Fittest on Earth. With the 2023 champions both withdrawing from the competition, the Men’s event was wide open, with many viewing Sprague as an underdog. Meanwhile, there was no such suspense in the women’s division, as Tia-Clair Toomey did what she does best—winning six events on her way to reclaiming the crown as the queen of CrossFit, an impressive feat for anyone, let alone a new mother.

Tragically, the competition unfolded under the shadow of the death of one of CrossFit’s most beloved competitors, a staple at the Dubai CrossFit Championships, and a close friend to many who competed alongside him. Lazar Đukić was last seen about 100 meters from the finish line in Event 1, "Lake Day," when he went under the water and sadly passed away. In what was the most devastating day in CrossFit’s relatively short history, the athletes voted to continue the Games, with many heartfelt and tearful tributes throughout the weekend to someone who truly was an elite.

Rest in peace, Lazar. Our hearts are broken, and our thoughts and prayers are with your family and loved ones.

Počivaj u miru, Lazare. Naša srca su slomljena, naše misli i molitve su sa tvojom porodicom i voljenima.

A Battle to Remember

Well done to all athletes and a huge thank you to all the supporters who came out to witness our 3rd edition of The Battle of the Ergs!

Both Everyday and Elite teams showcased top-tier performances as they battled through a 15km bike, 10km run, 7.5km row, and 5km ski.The DMC Pounders dominated our Everyday category with a team time of 1:32:13, while The WOD Guys took the Elite crown with a time of 1:24:06.

Is it too soon to be talking about a 4th edition of BOTE? We think not! Our next BOTE will take place on December 8th 2024, with more team spots and bigger prizes. You heard it here first!

Coaching & Pregnancy

We caught up with our very resident coach & soon-to-be mama Debs to get the scoop on this.

I found out I was pregnant pretty early on as we had been trying. This however, still came as a shock at how quickly things happened and ultimately, changed our lives from that point.

I had noticed a dip in my training but brushed it off as being unwell with how bad the storms and weather were back in April. After finding out, running became harder, my HR would spike, my eating habits were off and I stopped crossfitting as much. With the halt in intense training and constant nausea, I ended up losing 3kg in weight. (Which I only gained back at the 24 week mark).

Unlike the norm, we decided to keep quiet about my pregnancy until after we told friends and family personally back home. My body was changing on the inside but I couldn’t physically see any change. This was a hard thing for me to accept because my body wouldn’t move like it used to but everything still looked the same. It wasn’t until everyone was told that I “popped” at 22 weeks.

Honestly I did not enjoy the first and the start of the second trimester. Only until I saw the change iswhere I started to accept my new and growing body. As an athlete it’s taken time to allow in the change and sacrifice to this new chapter of life.

Now that I’m back to full time coaching with a visible belly, people are a lot more forgiving on being “demo boy or girl” as I simply can’t demonstrate a lot of more complex movements for myself. The fatigue is still there some days but I’d rather be on the gym floor coaching than behind a desk any day!

Summer’s Over

Which means back to school & back to work for all of us. Class numbers are ramping up as everyone so here’s a reminder of our class protocol to ensure a hassle-free experience for everyone.

  • Book online through the app, or by calling in if you’re a Privelee, Face card or new joiner.
  • All classes have a capacity, so please CANCEL in the event of you ot being able to attend – this opens up a slot for someone else.
  • It is important to show up on time to avoid disappointment of losing your spot to someone on the waitlist who is present at the class start time.
  • Late comers are allowed in at the discretion of the coach, space & safety permitting.
  • Thank you, let’s get to work!

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